headshot of christopher franko

Christopher Franko, Ph.D.

Full-Stack Developer, Doctor of Physical Chemistry

About Me

My name is Chris Franko. I am a full-stack web developer with a Ph.D. in physical chemistry (for more on that visit the science section). I discovered coding during my Ph.D. studies when our research lab needed a better way for processing battery testing data sets. I was blown away by the utility of programming, and fell in love with the logical problem solving nature of the build process. Since that day I never stopped continuing to learn, and am driven by the prospect of working in a field where continual skill-development and problem-solving are part of daily life.


My full project history can be found on GitHub. Additionally, comments and further description on select projects are outlined below. Click on each photo to see comments on why I took the projects on, what I learned, and what I may want to add going forward.

ScribeAI website landing page in square format
ScribeAI: In-Browser ML
YouStamp chrome extension in use
YouStamp: Save YT Time Stamps
ToDo website landing page in square format
Get it Done: Minimal Planner
PokeGPT website landing page in square format
Poke-GPT: AI Pokemon Battles
chessboard from monte carlo chess program
AI Chess: A Monte Carlo Chess Simulator
RipePotatoes website search page in square format
Ripe Potatoes: Movie Blog


Before entering the development world, I studied physical chemistry at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. I completed my Ph.D. from 2017 to 2023 with the final thesis being titled:

"Solid-State and Diffusional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigations of Oxidatively Stable Materials for Sodium Batteries"

*note: if you think naming things in programming is hard, you haven't been in academia

If you would like some light reading material the thesis is available in full print here. In short, my research was focused on using a specialized type of MRI (similar to what is used to image human tissues) called nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), to study the chemical interactions of sodium- and lithium-based batteries. The overarching goal was learn how these batteries operated on the molecular level, understand the failure mechanisms of the materials, and use that understanding to improve them.

In my time at McMaster I had the chance to learn a number of skills, from more specific experimental techniques like solid-state NMR, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), to more transferable scientific skills such as independent project design, large-set data analysis, collaborative working, and scientific communication.

These skills were developed through the completion of a number of independent, and larger collaborative projects. In team environments, I had the opportunity to contribute both as a team member in multi-university collaborative studies, and as the project lead in international multi-disciplinary projects. Each of which have been published in major scientific journals.

If you are interested, links to each of my completed projects can be found below:

Ti4O7 Cathodes for Na-O2 Batteries
Transport Dynamics of Li-ion Electrolytes
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Na-O2 Cathodes
Chemical Tuning of Na-O2 Discharge Products
EPR of Hydroanimation Catalysis

During my Ph.D. I also had the opportunity to share my research at a number of scientific conferences, which was instrumental in developing my communication skills. I believe it is important to be able to discuss one's work with a wide range of audiences, and for this I was presented with the ISMAR Prize for Best Oral Presentation by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance at the 2022 Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition.

However, the most rewarding part of the Ph.D. experience by far was being part of the greater community throughout those years. I was elected as the Social Media Representative of the McMaster Chemistry Graduate Student Society (MCGSS) in 2018, and was then further elected President of the MCGSS in 2019. It was extremely rewarding to have the opportunity to enrich the community.


Feel free to reach out any time.

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Personal Life

Outside of work I like to keep myself busy. I'm a big NBA fan (go Raptors!) and like to play basketball as well. I co-commission, and play in, a basketball league based in Mississauga, Ontario called Thee League. I like to workout, and my partner and I are currently training for the Toronto half-marathon that takes place on October 15th (if you can't contact me that day, please check the hospital ☠). Besides that, I'm in a Dungeons and Dragons group with my friends, and have recently tried to get into wood-working, although at the moment that mostly means just trying to keep all my digits attached.

I also have a dog, Ferbie, he is 12 as of writing this and is a constant reminder to stay positive and enjoy life, I'll sign off here with a photo of him:

modern rectangualr pool with blue water in the summer